Vedanta Desika’s Two Mahākāvyas: Pāduka Sahasra & Yādavābhyudhaya


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Swami Desikan’s ‘Paadhuka Sahasra’ could be called a lyric or a long sthothra – all the same, it regarded as a mahaakaavya. It is poetry through philosophy or stated equally emphatically, it is philosophy through poetry! The other long sthothram of his viz. ‘Daya shathakam’ personifying the ‘daya’ element of the Lord of Thirumala, as ‘Dayaa Devi’ and the “Paadhukaa Devi’ of ‘Paadhukaa Sahasram’ are the two consorts of the Lord, both of utmost importance to all the devotees to achieve the final goal, Purushaartha (liberation/moksha/for doing Kainkaryam to the Lord at Paramapadham). While ‘Daya Shathakam’ contains 108 slokas, the latter is a much larger work running into 1008 slokas on ‘Paadhuka Devi’.

The next poetic creation of epic proportions, a mahaakavya, by Swami Desikan is Yaadhavaabhyudhaya and it has Krishna as its hero right from the stage of conception in Devaki’s womb up to his reaching manhood. This work is unique in the sense that is has Krishna’s exclusive biography spanning the entire work unlike other ‘granthas’ with scattered references to Him. It does not have any place for others’ exploits, if any!

Author:K R Krishnaswami