The Trinity of Poorvacharyas & Vishistadvaitha


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Around the end of the ninth century a person, who later came to be known as the first āchārya, takes birth in Veeranārāyanapuram, Chidambaram district, the present Chennai state. He was none other than Nāthamunigal. Nāthamuni’s epoch-making and unrivaled saga of bringing us the 4000 Divya Prabhandham has been adequately covered in this book.

The second āchārya who is covered in this book is equally great in strengthening the foundation laid by his grandfather, Nāthamuni. Rāmānuja spread the philosophy of Vishishtadvaita in far-off places, through visits and through his books: Sribhāshya in particular has a unique place, in that it postulates with authority Vishishtadvaithic concepts.

Author:K R Krishnaswami