The Amazing Life of Yaajnavalkya & His Role in Brihadaaranyaka


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Yaajnavalkya lived in Dwaapara Yuga and came to be recognized as the most erudite scholar of his time and that too at a young age. With a unique birth proclaiming the coming of a luminous star in the firmament of leading sages, he excelled himself in all the four Vedas.

Yaajnavaklya’s association with Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad is its greatest asset and he strides through it as a colossus. This is the biggest of all Upanishads – it is not only big in size, but also propounds all the concepts contained in other Upanishads and therefore it is termed as a confluence of all the loftiest teachings in ‘Vedantha’.

Author:K R Krishnaswami