Sri Ramanuja and Vishishtadvaita


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Sri Rāmānuja is appropriately called the greatest exponent of Vishishtadvaita Siddhanta. Of course, there had been a few prominent predecessors who had preached similar philosophical thoughts through ‘Upanyaasams’ and books. Vishishtadvaita is a philosophy of a personal God with attributes (Vishishta) and propounds the relation among God, individual soul and nature; the attributes being inseparable from God as Parabrahman. Therefore the supreme being is the ‘soul of the matter’ and the ‘soul of all souls’.

In contrast to the extreme views propounded by Shankara viz. “That art Thou”, “I am Brahasmin” etc. Rāmānuja professing full faith in Upanishads, Vedas and Brahma Sutras could give back to his followers ‘not only their own souls’ but also ‘a personal God’; no wonder (therefore) that his success should have been so great as it was!

Author:K R Krishnaswami