Vedantha Desika’s Srimad Rahasyatraya Sāram


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If you have not had kaalakshepam of Sri Bhaashya, Geetha Bhaashya or even Thiruvoimozhi do not pine, you have not lost much, but, God forbid, if you have not done Kaalakshepam of Rahasya Traya Saaram, you would have missed/lost everything. To answer as to why it is such a ‘must’ for everyone and especially Srivaishnavas, let us get some facts straight. The three manthras together contain the Vishishtadvathic concept of tatthva (Reality, as to who rules the world), hitha (the route to reach the goal), and the Purushaartha (the goal itself for all of us to reach).

Swami Desikan put forward on the basis of Vedic texts and Sri Sookthis of āzwārs, the Rahasyatrayasaara answering all doubts, covering comprehensively all aspects of Prapatthi without leaving any trace of unexplained area.

Author:K R Krishnaswami