Sri Vedanta Desikar’s Paduka Sahasram (Kannada)


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Paduka Sahasram by Vedanta Desikan is considered by many as his magnum opus. It comprises 1008 slokas, which Swami Desikan composed in a single night having been drawn into a competition by one Azahiya Manavalan. It was indeed an extraordinary effort to compose 1008 slokas on the two holy feet of Sri Ranganathar.

It comes under the category of Kavyas of the superlative quality known as “utthaamotthama’. The composition revels in various descriptions of Paduka (Lord’s Holy feet) emplying figures of speech viz. alliterations, puns etc to bring in front of one’s eyes the ‘glory and grandeur of Padukas’. Swami Desikan has declared that this work stands alongside Ramaayana itself.

Author:K R Krishnaswami